Wednesday, February 01, 2012

About : The White-Rumped Shama (Copsychus Malabaricus)

The White-Rumped Shama (Copsychus Malabaricus) is a small passerine bird of the family Muscicapidae. The White-rumped Shama typically in its native habitat includes several countries in Southern Asia: India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, Andaman Islands, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, China, Indonesia and Thailand. This animal was introduced to Kauai in 1931, Oahu in 1940, and Maui in the later part of the 1900s. They tend to nest near the ground in undergrowth or low trees of lowland broadleaf forests or foothills, especially in bamboo and teak forrests.

They typically weighs between 28 and 32 grams (1-1.2 ounces) measures around 
25-27 centimeters (10-11 inches) tail length. These birds have a slim build and long tails with graduated feathers. Males are a shiny black with a brown belly and white feathers on the rump and the outermost parts of the tail. Females are generally smaller than the males, and have a more grayish brown coloration with a light colored belly. Both males and females have a black bill along with pink legs and feet.

A special characteristic of  The White-Rumped Shama is its melodious song, which also makes it uniquely recognizable. Other unique characteristics of this animal include its distinct pattern of white feathers on the rump and outer tail feathers as well as its repetitive behavior of sudden raising and gradual lowering of the tail. The White-rumped Shama diet consists of food (Lives Grasshoppers, Crickets, Mealworms, Earthworms, Guppies,).

These birds may be more prolific during the peak of the breeding season or with the second clutch of the season. Those with a better food supply are also more prolific. There may be 1-2 clutches per breeding season, and each clutch may contain 3-5 eggs. Parental behavior includes both male and female participation. The female builds a nest of roots, leaves, ferns and stems. Incubation lasts between 12-15 days and may be conducted by the female parent or by both parents. Brooding is done by females between 5 and 7 days. One egg is laid per day, yet all eggs usually hatch on the same day during the morning hours. The eggs are white to light aqua with many reddish-brown spots, and measure approximately 17 by 22 millimeters (0.7 by 0.9 inches). Hatchlings are blind and featherless. The eyes open after 6 days and feathers are completely developed after 11 days, during which time the juveniles begin to preen. Both parents participate in the removal of feces from the nest and the feeding of the young. In one study, the survival rate was approximately 70% in the first 10 days after hatching and the fledgling survival rate was between 65-83%, with greater success in the second brood. There is a greater mortality rate during the last days prior to fledgling. During the first eight days, hatching nearly double in weight each day. This is followed by a significant drop in the growth rate. By the day 10, nestlings generally measure between 70-80% of the weight of an adult. Fledgling occurs 12-13 days after hatching, and juveniles may feed independently by the day 26 after fledgling.

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